Plant scientific name is Lawsonia inermis and its common name is Henna. It is also known for henna anglicism that can be pronounced “henna” or “jena.” Other names are used depending on the language of the country or area. It is a plant of the Lythraceae family. It is a bushy bush about 2 or 3 meters high. It is a small tree and has to grow for 5 years to mature and produce leaves with useful levels of tannins. The flowers are fragrant, small, white or yellowish and grouped together in terminal clusters. The fruits are black berries, round, with several seeds and the size of a pea. The leaves are dark green, smooth, opposite, lustrous, ovate, almost persistent and widely lanceolate, with depressed veins clearly visible on the dorsal surface. For cultivation, the tree is pruned 1 or 2 times a year in a short bush to produce more henna leaves per hectare.


Its scientific name is Genipa Americana and it is commonly known as jagua. Other known names are Huito, Maluco, Tejoroso, Tejoruco, Shagua, Xagua, Yaguare, Caruto, Guacamote, Palo Colorado, Vitú, Yoale and Irayola. The jagua comes from the Rubiaceae family. It is a thick tree that can measure up to 15 meters high, with a smooth and light brown bark. Its leaves are wide, oval and dark green. Its flowers are white, with long and tubular petals. Its fruits have the form of sour oranges, yellowish brown color and pleasant aroma. They contain a yellow pulp, succulent and pungent and refreshing. They are a type of berry 4 to 7.5 cm long by 4 to 5.5 cm wide. The fruit is circular in shape, slightly scabrous to the touch and contains 50 to 80 seeds.


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Henna Aftercare

Henna is a plant paste, taking care of you henna design is simple and the results will be wonderfully... Read More


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Jagua Powder

We decided to try the Jagua Powder and we like it! It can be stored for much longer than... Read More