The Jagua Gel temporary tattoo is one of the best natural options for temporary tattoos. The die is a deep blue, violet, dark blue depends on the PH of the skin.

Our raw formula for temporary tattoos is fresh from the Jagua Fruit Genipa Americana juice material that is directly produced by the Shipibo tribe of Peru Amazonia. When you buy Jagua temporary tattoo products from Pure Organic Jagua, you help the Shipibo community to have better opportunities to develop in education, health, and job opportunities. Pure Organic Jagua comes from a sustainable project with friendly care of the environment.

The Pure Organic Jagua Gel for temporary tattoos is made of only organic natural ingredients which include: Organic Genipa Americana Fruit Juice, Xanthan Gum, and Organic Lavender essential oil, sugar.

WARNING: Other tattoo gels that are synthetically manufactured, have to be careful and cause harm because they have any form of alcohol, toxins or P.P.D.

We have the exclusive organic formula on sale, already in the cone of 20 gr. each. One cone can last for approximately 6 months if is keep in the freezer.

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Pure Organic Neem Powder

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Product Details


OTHER NAME: Nimba, Margosa tree.

BOTANICAL NAME: Azadirachta indica A. Juss.


SYNONYMS: Melia azadirachta Linn.

PART USED: Dried Leaf Powder.

OVERVIEW: Neem, a fascinating tree, is one of the most promising of all plants and may eventually benefit every person in the planet.

PHYTOCONSTITUENTS: Neem leaves mainly yield quercetin (flavonoid) and nimbosterol (β- sitosterol) as well as number of liminoids (nimbin and its derivatives). Quercetin (a polyphenolic flavonoid), Limonoids like nimocinolide and isonimocinolide are also present. The principal constituents of neem leaves include protein (7.1%), carbohydrates (22.9%), minerals, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, carotene etc. But they also contain glutamic acid, tyrosine, aspartic acid, alanine, praline, glutamine and cystine like amino acids, and several fatty acids (dodecanoic, tetradecanoic, elcosanic, etc.).

PRECAUTIONS: None known.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Anecdotal reports suggest that neem can:

  • condition your scalp.
  • promote healthy hair growth.
  • temporarily seal hair follicles.
  • soothe frizz.
  • minimize grays.
  • reduce dandruff.
  • treat head lice.


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