
Hair thinning and loss of hair is a common issue. Ayurveda, an age-old set of practices of India, contains powerful solutions for hair loss problems. Bibhitaki along with the Haritaki and Amla its called Triphala powder for hair loss is a natural remedy that has been mentioned in these methods, and it has long been used by traditional Ayurveda practitioners.

Its usage has lasted to this day, and it is available in the form of capsules, tea and as powders. If you are suffering from hair problems such as hair thinning, hair falling out, baldness or more, you can try this amazing remedy and benefit from it.

This mainly occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and improper functioning of the physical organs. Although genetics plays a role, it is just that, one role of many.

How Does Triphala Powder Work for Hair Loss?

Triphala is an amazing preparation in Ayurveda, and consists of three fruits – Amalaki (Emblica officinale), Bibhitaki (Terminalia chebula) and Haritaki (Terminalia belarica). Each of these fruits is a very effective health enhancer and the combination is regarded as a very powerful herbal preparation. It has multiple benefits for the body, working on the entire body and improving its various processes.

This is useful in treating hair loss problems. Triphala powder has great antiviral and antibacterial components. It can boost your overall immunity, and work like a laxative. It helps detoxify your body and protect you from various types of disorders. It has been proven that people who do not have their bowels clean suffer the most from hair loss problems. Triphala works as a potent laxative and can clean the bowels, thus minimizing hair loss.

Triphala prevents the formation of any free radicals in the human body and has powerful antioxidant effects. It is this property that allows it to prevent signs of premature ageing, such as graying of hair and formation of wrinkles. The presence of Amalaki in Triphala is known to boost proper circulation of blood and assist in a proper absorption of various minerals that are important for maintaining healthy hair. It is rich in Vitamin C, which is important for boosting the immunity – which in turn helps prevent premature graying of hair. Bibhitaki helps in making the roots of the hair stronger, minimizing hair fall and preventing premature graying of hair strands.

How to Use Triphala Powder?

You can use Triphala powder to wash your hair. You can grow your hair with the application of Triphala powder and Aloe vera. You can add some of the powder into warm water and form a paste. Apply it directly on your scalp and wash it off after some minutes.

In case you have an oily hair, you should wash your hair regularly with Triphala powder. It can be a perfect alternative to many commercial, over-the-counter shampoos which contain strong detergents that have a damaging effect on hair. Triphala powder contains all-natural ingredients and does not cause damage to your hair in any way.

However, powdered Triphala is said to be more effectual and has a faster action on the hair.

COMMON NAME: Bibhitaki

OTHER NAME: Baheda, Belliric myrobalan.

BOTANICAL NAME: Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.

PLANT FAMILY: Combretaceae

PART USED : Dried seedless Fruit.

OVERVIEW : Dehydrated Fruits Powder.

INTRODUCTION: A large deciduous buttressed tree, 20-30 m in height with thick brownish grey back having shallow longitudinal fissures; leaves simple, alternate, long-petioled, crowded about the extremities of the branches, broady elliptic, margins entire, main nerves 6-8 pairs, midrib prominent on both surfaces; flowers pale greenish yellow with an offensive odour, in axillary spikes, longer than the petioles but shorter than the leaves; fruits ovoid grey drupes, obscurely 5 angled, narrowed into a very short stalk.

PHYTOCONSTITUENTS: Fruits contain about 17% tannin and β-sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl galate, galloyl glucose and chebulagic acid. Heartwood and bark contain ellagic acid and the seed-coat of the fruit contains gallic acid.

PRECAUTIONS: None known.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Pure Organic Amla Powder

Product Details


OTHER NAME: Amalaki, Indian gooseberry

BOTANICAL NAME: Phyllantus emblica L.

PLANT FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae

SINONYMS: Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

PART USED: In traditional Indian medicine the dried or fresh fruit is used, although in some schools of Ayurvedic medicine parts of the entire tree are included in preparations, including the fruit, seed, leaves, root, bark and flowers.

OVERVIEW: Fruits Powder without seeds.

INTRODUCTION: Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry, phyllanthus emblica or emblica officinails. Amla tree is about 15ft. to 25 ft. high. The fruit is round and green to greenish yellow in colour. Amla is a commonly used ingredient in most of the ayurvedic preparations in the form of fresh fruit, dried fruits, fruit pulp or as extract. The eminence of amla is so well recognized in ayurveda that all the famous ancient text have discussed its preventive, restorative and curative usefulness and extolled its extraordinary medicinal qualities. Amla is a rare fruit which contains all tastes except salty. With sourness as the foremost taste, it is at the same time sweet, astringent, bitter and pungent. It is light, dry and cold in effect and the richest source of vitamin C.

PHYTOCONSTITUENTS: Emblicanin A and Emblicanin B, along with pedunculagin and punigluconin is the key ingredients in amla. Emblicanins is a combination of Gallic acid or Ellagic acids&Vitamin C. It has also protein, minerals, carbohydrates and fibre. The mineral and vitamin contains include calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and vitamin B complex.

PRECAUTIONS: None known. For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Amla is a natural plant also known as Emblica Officinalis. The dried, powdered fruit has tannins, vitamin C, and is astringent.

Pure Organic Amla is great for hair because:

  • adds texture, volume, wave, curl
  • shine to your hair
  • promotes hair growth
  • thicker, stronger hair strands
  • tones down red of henna
  • natural astringent making it good for facial cleansing
  • tightens up coils/curls

Hair growth: The phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals present in Amla help in increasing the scalp circulation and stimulate healthy growth. Vitamin C of amla produces collagen protein. This helps in stimulating hair growth, both length and volume wise.

Anecdotal reports suggest amla can:

  • condition your scalp.
  • promote healthy hair growth.
  • improve the tone of henna hair dyes.
  • minimize grays.
  • boost volume.
  • reduce dandruff.
  • treat head lice.


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