Sidr Ziziphus

Ziziphus is a plant that grows widely in desert areas. The plant has religious significance as well it is believed to be the plant from which Christ’s crown of thorns was made. It is documented in hadith literature to have been used by the Prophet Muhammad as well. Sedr is used in Ayurvedic medicine as well as traditional Middle Eastern medicine. Sedr leaves are known to be effective for treating inflammation to skin rashes. The fruit of the plant is consumed widely across the world and is highly beneficial in treating skin diseases.

The leaves of zizyphus spina christi contain saponin glycosides, christinin A, B, C and D.  Zizyphus spina christi leaves were used as a shampoo and body wash in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and Persia.  The saponins cleaned skin and hair, and anti-microbials had inhibitory and bactericidal activity against Gram-positive microorganisms on skin and scalp.

As a shampoo and body wash, zizyphus spina christi protects hair and skin from dryness by depositing a thin moisture retentive layer on the hair and skin: this helps skin and hair not dry out in dry weather and intense sunlight. If you have dry, fragile, or thin and aging skin, washing with zizyphus will clean your skin and leave it silky and smooth.  Knees and elbows will be less flaky and gray.  I put zizyphus paste on a washcloth and massage away the dirt and dead skin cells, then rinse.

People with severe allergic reactions to latex may also be allergic to zizyphus.  Patch test before using!


Benefits of Ziziphus

  • Reviving natural shine of hair.
  • Promoting the growth of thicker hair, making roots strong hence reducing hair loss.
  • Hypoallergenic .
  • Adds more texture to the hair by giving a more dense look.
  • Provides extra protection from the sun and daily elements.

Sedr can help with hair growth. Sedr has been used for generations to promote healthy hair growth in dozens of Mediterranean cultures. Traditionally, pulverized sedr leaves are mixed with water and made into a thick paste. This paste is then applied to the hair and then washed out.  Sedr is seen as one of the most effective natural hair treatments.

The powder mixed easily into paste, was a gentle and thorough shampoo, and left the hair feeling thicker, looking glossier, and was easier to style.

You can use zizyphus spina christi for weekly shampooing.

Zizyphus shampoo is indispensable for emergency preventative and repair work before and after a waterfront vacation.

Swimming can damage your hair.  Bright sunlight, chemicals in municipal swimming pools, salt and sand at the beach can wreak havoc on hair.  Zizyphus spina christ can both prevent and repair swimming damage.

Above is healthy, undamaged hair.  Here is what zizyphus spina christi does:  it coats hair with a fine layer of plant wax from the zizyphus leaves.

This thin waxy layer is similar to the waxy surface of many desert plants.  These plant waxes protect the leaf from losing moisture and dying in the arid desert;  You can even feel it on a freshly picked apple. This layer which protects zizyphus spina christi in a harsh desert climate will protect your hair from drying out and breaking.  It also makes your hair more glossy, and easier to style.

The plant wax has a molecular similarity to latex, and some people who are allergic to latex will also be sensitized to ziziphus.  If you are allergic to latex, patch test first!

Add warm or hot water to a heaping tablespoon or two of ziziphus powder.  You can use the extra paste as a body wash.

Do not expect ziziphus to have heaps of suds and bubbles.  Detergent suds are only one way to get hair clean: the chemical cosmetic industry would like for you to believe that soap bubbles are crucial to cleanliness, but that is just marketing and product photography.

Stir water in gradually, and stir the paste smooth.  Let the paste sit for five minutes or so.

This is ready to start squishing into your hair. The saponins in ziziphus paste will foam a bit, but are not going to get bubbly, but they are going to get you clean.

Start by squishing the ziziphus paste onto your scalp and into the roots of your hair.

Massage your scalp with the paste, and stroke it through your hair.

Massage the ziziphus paste into your scalp, enough to gently remove sebum, dead skin cells, perspiration, bacteria, and built-up styling products.  Stroke the paste through your hair.

When you have pulled the paste through your hair, you can use extra as a body wash.  If you tend to have dry, ashy knees and elbows, ziziphus will protect your skin from drying and flaking.

After shampooing with ziziphus , all of the perspiration, and products have been cleaned out your hair.  The ziziphus has made her hair feel more full, glossier, and easier to style.


OTHER NAME: Common jujube

BOTANICAL NAME: Ziziphus jujuba Mill.

PLANT FAMILY: Rhamnaceae

PART USED: Dried Leaf Powder.

OVERVIEW: Traditionally leaves are of high therapeutic value.

PHYTOCONSTITUENTS: Carbohydrates, fat, protein, amino acids, anthocyanins from fruit, seeds and leaves. Leucocyanidin from bark. Rutin and ziziphinfrom leaves.

PRECAUTIONS: None known.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. People with severe allergic reactions to latex may also be allergic to zizyphus. Patch test before using!

Pure Organic Amla Powder

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OTHER NAME: Amalaki, Indian gooseberry

BOTANICAL NAME: Phyllantus emblica L.

PLANT FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae

SINONYMS: Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

PART USED: In traditional Indian medicine the dried or fresh fruit is used, although in some schools of Ayurvedic medicine parts of the entire tree are included in preparations, including the fruit, seed, leaves, root, bark and flowers.

OVERVIEW: Fruits Powder without seeds.

INTRODUCTION: Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry, phyllanthus emblica or emblica officinails. Amla tree is about 15ft. to 25 ft. high. The fruit is round and green to greenish yellow in colour. Amla is a commonly used ingredient in most of the ayurvedic preparations in the form of fresh fruit, dried fruits, fruit pulp or as extract. The eminence of amla is so well recognized in ayurveda that all the famous ancient text have discussed its preventive, restorative and curative usefulness and extolled its extraordinary medicinal qualities. Amla is a rare fruit which contains all tastes except salty. With sourness as the foremost taste, it is at the same time sweet, astringent, bitter and pungent. It is light, dry and cold in effect and the richest source of vitamin C.

PHYTOCONSTITUENTS: Emblicanin A and Emblicanin B, along with pedunculagin and punigluconin is the key ingredients in amla. Emblicanins is a combination of Gallic acid or Ellagic acids&Vitamin C. It has also protein, minerals, carbohydrates and fibre. The mineral and vitamin contains include calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and vitamin B complex.

PRECAUTIONS: None known. For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Amla is a natural plant also known as Emblica Officinalis. The dried, powdered fruit has tannins, vitamin C, and is astringent.

Pure Organic Amla is great for hair because:

  • adds texture, volume, wave, curl
  • shine to your hair
  • promotes hair growth
  • thicker, stronger hair strands
  • tones down red of henna
  • natural astringent making it good for facial cleansing
  • tightens up coils/curls

Hair growth: The phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals present in Amla help in increasing the scalp circulation and stimulate healthy growth. Vitamin C of amla produces collagen protein. This helps in stimulating hair growth, both length and volume wise.

Anecdotal reports suggest amla can:

  • condition your scalp.
  • promote healthy hair growth.
  • improve the tone of henna hair dyes.
  • minimize grays.
  • boost volume.
  • reduce dandruff.
  • treat head lice.


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